Friday, October 2, 2009

253. I booked the reservations.

We are headed to Vegas to see Utah play UNLV on the 17th. A short two weeks away. Somehow I need to get down to 240 by then because the diet is shot and killed starting on the 17th. I need to lose a pound a day to get there. I think I can still do it. I have not been as good about dieting this time as I should. See my last post if you have questions. However I still think I can get down to 240. The 4 weeks starting on the 17th will be rough. Travel to Vegas and then having 3 home games complete with tailgate parties will make things interesting. Sundays are going to have to be Century rides if I am going to keep the weight down. Well maybe not but long rides for sure.

We are going to stay at the Tropicana. Susan really just wants some time by the pool and with our recently cold weather she is excited.
I on the other hand am looking forward to some of the food that Adam takes on in Man vs. Food.

I do not think that Burrito has a chance.

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