Sunday, October 4, 2009

250 New sport? Trail surfing.

Jamie Erich and I did a bit of trail work on Saturday. I think we have created a new sport. Trail surfing. The new trail is still fairly rough so we took a 100 + pound sewer grate and attached it to the 4 wheeler. We connected a rope to the back end and Erich and Jamie took turns surfing the grate while I drove down the trail. It seems to do a nice job of smoothing out things.
The trail is still a bit rough but it seems to do a good job. We just need everyone to ride the trail and it should be in very good shape by spring. So if you get a chance go climb Clark's and then just before you go into the parking area turn almost 180 degrees left and go down the trail. I guarantee you will enjoy the trail even if it is a bit rough right now. To get back out just ride the old pipeline trail back up and then take the Brock's point connector over to Ghost falls and let er rip.

Have fun and let me know if you want to go surfing.


Ski Bike Junkie said...

I was thinking when I saw you guys up there that what we really needed to follow up the surfing was a bit of rain. Looks like that came to fruition. I'll give the trail some much needed traffic very soon. Corner canyon is going off right now.

Blackdog said...

I just wish I could ride. My diet is killing me. Down 20 lbs since I started. The problem is that I bonk way too easily. I may take the wheeler up there Saturday and Sunday and drag it again. By then it should be smooth except in the switch backs. The 4 wheeler requires 3 point turns to get through them. I am done dieting on the 16th so the next week after Vegas I will be up there nightly.