Sunday, April 12, 2009

258. Ouch

For some reason my heart rate monitor goes nuts every now and again. I know I was going hard today but not over 200 beats per minute hard. E and I rode around to Alpine and then over Suncrest on the mtn bikes. I retrospect it would have been smarter to ride the road bikes.

We saw Andy H and Drew on the way home. Somehow I bet they were about to do the same ride. I could not tell who else was with them. I could not pick out Lucy and Rhonda but I am sure they were there. It was all I could do to waive at that moment. I went home crashed on the couch.


Lucy said...

Yup, Rhonda and I were indeed on the train today. Wedge and his friend were also on the ride. Millcreek to top of Suncrest and back - 45 miles. Sweet day for a ride, eh? Good to see you out too.

Blackdog said...

It was much better than laying tile. Erich drug me down the race course off of suncrest. Fun but I was way too tired. One switchback about claimed me. The trail is really rough right now. We will probably do the same ride again next weekend. Only 25 miles from my house.

Drew said...

You need to confront your fears a go ride in Moab :) It was great to see you the other day even if briefly. I have off all this week, so I am riding as much as possible. Looks like the weather will not cooperate, but at least I rode 67 miles today on the road. Keep away from the Doritos.... that is Lucy's Kryptonite as well. Have a great week. Hope my May schedule affords me a few weekends off!